jueves, 13 de enero de 2011


British slang and language related sites:
London Slang
- current usage, including rhyming slang. With an introduction, slang survey, bibliography and films, it's well worth a butchers.
Completely Lanky - a wonderful insight into the Lancashire dialect. Based on Dave Dutton's reyt funny book of the same name.
United Kingdom English for the American Novice
- a listing of British words and phrases, from an American's perspective, including some slang, with definitions in American. (Last updated Jan 1996)
Everyday English and Slang in Ireland
- a starting point for those interested in the rich language of the Irish, and although not strictly

US slang and language related sites:
- contains a selection of expressions associated with the US.
A Seattle Lexicon
- for 'Lingo from the Far Corner' offering sections on geography, events, sports and coffee amongst others.
American Dialect Society
- founded over a century ago and the only scholarly association dedicated to the study of the English language in North America.
Bay Area Hip Hop Dictionary
- a good collection of slang from San Francisco, including Bay Area links.
Slang City
- guide to American slang, including explanations of popular songs and movies, bad words, body parts and more.
A Historical Dictionary of American Slang
- presents a unique way for studying slang. It contains over 2200 slang words with the centuries in which they were first printed.

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